counting the days.

10 more days til summer.

For me, officially, anyways.

8 days if we’re not counting the weekends.

7 days if we’re not counting the personal day I am taking this Friday for my friend’s wedding.

This pretty much makes me the happiest lady in the world.

So many people keep asking me when the school year ends.

They’ll ask: “So, when is school all done for you?”

And I’ll tell them however many days are left and then I’ll add that I’m super excited and that I love summer.

Like the other night for instance, someone asked, and I answered: “I’m done on the 14th. I CAN’T WAIT I AM SO EXCITED SUMMER IS MY FAVORITE.”

Or something like that.

“Oh, so have you had a tough year?”

I always seem to get this response from people. And I always wonder why. Did I say I don’t like my job? Do I seem like I had a hard year? It’s like they’re taken aback by my enthusiasum. Like a teacher isn’t allowed to like summer or something. Like we’re supposed to want to teach 12 months out of the year.

I mean, yeah there’s been drama (the “you’re not my best friend anymore” kind). And there’s been accidents (books ripped, paint spilled, and the other kind of accidents, too), and sickness (strep throat, the stomach bug, pink eye. All totally gross, I know.). And yeah, there’s definitely been lice (one girl got it 4 times– yeah, ya heard me right. 4 TIMES). But the truth is, I’ve had an amazing year with an amazing class. Both this year and last year my first graders were incredible. They’re funny, they love learning, and there’s no other people I’d want to spend my weeks with September through May.

But as awesome as teaching is for me and as much as I love it, the fact of the matter is I just love summer more. No doubt about it, it’s just THE BEST.

I thought everyone knew that.

So when I tell you summer is my favorite this doesn’t mean I’ve had a hard year.

And when I tell you I can’t wait for summer it doesn’t mean I don’t like my job.

Because when I tell you I live for summer it’s just me telling it like it is.

And that is all.

Summer rocks. It’s simply the honest to goodness TRUTH.

The best, most truest response to this question about the school year ending was given to me by a second grader herself:

“Are you excited for school to end?” she asked.

“Totally.” I responded. “I LOVE summer.”

“Yeah, seriously.” she said with a smile. “I mean, WHO DOESN’T??!!”

That’s the response I am looking for, people. Because seriouslyWHO doesn’t?!


6 things you should know about on a Friday in June.

Happy Friday!!

There is one word and one word only running through my head right now:


A few things have been introduced to me over the past few weeks and I thought I’d share them with you today. 6 things for the sixth month of the year. JUNE is here, can you believe it?

I CAN believe it and I WILL BELIEVE IT.

9 more days of school, people!

Boom. Boom. BOOM.

SO here you go…

6 things you should know about (if you don’t already):

1) This NPR Tiny Desk Concert:

The Tiny Desk Concerts put on by NPR are amazing. And this one by K’Naan is especially SO good. But seriously, so sooo good. My friend Rebecca showed me this when I was in Brooklyn. Listen to it all and listen to it many, many times. I can’t stop because I don’t want to stop. Ever. Go ahead, give a listen.


2) These Trader Joe’s cookies:

{Image source and cookie review}

I’d beg to differ that they are actually cookies because they’re really more like cookie dough in my opinion, but you get the idea. I’m more partial to the latter anyways.

You better be running to your closest Trader Joe’s because these cookies are IIIIIINsane. So chewy! So delicious! Every night after dinner I have two of these bad boys with a glass of milk. Heaven, I say. Heaven.

3. The maxi dress:

Now I know it’s all the rage, but honestly, do you own one yet? When I’m wearing a maxi dress I feel as if I’m walking around in the coziest blanket of all time. Kind of like I’m in my pajamas, but better. Especially the cotton dresses. I think they’re flattering on all body types too, which is hard to come by with some trends. So really, if you do not have a maxi dress yet, go buy a maxi dress. This weekend!

(You can thank me later.)

4) The Honest Toddler Blog

I just discovered this and it is HILARious. I’m not even a parent and I think this is too good. Honest Toddler has me laughing out loud and shaking my head yesyesyes. I LOVE when things are ridiculously funny and this blog is it. You can follow Honest Toddler on twitter too! Funny things all the live long day.

5. The Opposite of Lonliness

You must read this piece, The Opposite of Loneliness, written by Marina Keegan, a Yale 2012 graduate who died tragically in a car crash last Saturday. It’s a horribly sad story about her death, but her writing is so insightful, and above all things makes me realize how unknown this life is and how important it is we keep our connections alive by keeping in touch with those that we love and care about. Make phone calls, go to reunions, visit friends. I feel lucky enough to still feel the opposite of lonliness and I only wish this young girl could have had the opportunity to grow older and experience it too. Life does go on after college, very much so, and I’m hopeful it will keep on the up and up. Life’s not fair sometimes and I get confused and disheartened when there aren’t any answers to these sorts of tragedies. But I do know this: I am humbled by Marina’s writing, saddened for what will never be, and incredibly thoughtful for what I can make of this one precious life.

6. Caine’s Arcade

And to end on a more uplifting note, watch this video of Caine’s Arcade that I’ve seen around the blog and facebook world the past few weeks. Oh, it will make you smile and cry. The good kind of cry that makes your heart sing.

I remember a childhood filled with imagination and creation and I rejoice in the possibility of it still happening for children out there in this world today. Let’s foster it, okay? As teachers and mentors we have the ability to keep the imagination alive. And keep it alive we must.

Happy weekend, friends.

Happy June!


a little lady in white.

Little (or should we say big?) Isabel made her 1st Communion this past weekend.

I’m serious, every time I get to spend time with those kids I wonder why I don’t do it more often.

They are the SWEEEETest.

The church service was at St. Leonards in the North End and I was happy to get to spend a little time over there because I seriously LOVE the North End. I need to get back to that area again soon with my fancy cam. The sights and sounds were just speaking to me the whole time.

Are any of you guys Catholic? I was raised Catholic so this whole day just brought back so many memories of pretty white dresses, spring flowers, and the excitement of tasting that little piece of cardboard-y foam.

I kid, I kid.

(But really, though, I think that’s what it’s made out of.)

We sang hymns and took pictures and all around just celebrated that little cutie in the white gown. I’m so glad they invited me to join, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss it. After the service we all went back to Charlestown for some hor dourves and dinner. There is something about that small part of Boston that just gets my nostalgia rolling. Since I spent the better part of my 1st years in the Bean working over there I just get this happiness every time I visit.

Yet another place on my list of Boston neighborhoods to photograph– the streets around the monument are gorgeous!

Here’s a few pics from the day courtesy of my iPhone…

And that kid with the bow tie??


little luke!

Babies! I love ’em!

Can’t get enough of those tiny fingers and tiny toes.

So when my friend Bailey a had little Luke a month ago, I bought my plane ticket to visit straightaway. How could I not see him in infancy?

My love for newborns has been in me since I was a wee one, but I really fell in love with the tiny people back when I was a nanny in Charlestown my first year out of college. Remember Alistair? I watched that little buddy from birth to 2 years and loved every single second of it.

So of course, I was suuuuper excited to meet Luke.

Bailey is one of my very best friends from high school. We used to do all the classic things high schoolers do. You know, like watch Dawson’s Creek, jam out to Backstreet Boys, and eat chocolate milk and cookies after school. The good stuff.

It’s kind of crazy to watch your friend become a mom. One minute she’s just like you and then the next BAM! she’s got a kid to take care of forever. A cute one, no doubt, but a little living breathing body all the same.

I myself am totally and completely excited to be a mom someday but as for right now, it’s enough just taking care of me, myself, and I. I mean, honestly, sometimes I still forget to brush my teeth in the morning.

Aaaaanyways. This little nugget is just too precious. And I’m just so proud of my friend. She’s going to be a terrific mom, I just KNOW it.

He is a peanut!!

Wanna see some pictures of him? Check ’em.


Oh, I could just squeeeeeze him. Squeeze him so tight.

– – – – – – – – – – –

So Bailey, who’s got a knack for design, entered Luke’s bedroom to be featured on Apartment Therapy… and she got selected! It really is so simple and adorable.

You can check out the Apartment Therapy feature here. I think it’s just the coolest.

– – – – – – – – – – –

While I was visiting I tried to give Luke a little photo shoot, seeing as I’m a budding photographer and all.

I think they’re halfway decent for a first-timer. But really though, when you have a tiny being like this it’s hard not to love on him big time.

“Hey, girl, that’s enough with the photographs.”

“Whatever, it’s time for my beauty sleep. Catch ya, later!”

Too precious, I tell ya. Too flippin’ precious.