snapshots {from winter to spring}

SNAP·SHOT [snap-shot]
1. an informal photograph, especially one taken quickly by a hand-held camera.
2. an impression or view of something brief or transitory <a snapshot of life back then>


ONE: A few weeks ago I met up with my lovely friend Tania for brunch in Harvard Square. Tania is a friend I actually met THROUGH instagram, which is pretty wild, but also pretty awesome. I felt like I could have talked with her forever and I’m so glad I got the nerve up to email her when I saw a photo she posted showing she was in Boston. This whole internet-friend thing hardly phases me anymore, and I’m happy to have found some wonderful people because of it.

TWO: Shake Shack. Now in Chestnut Hill. Get after it.

THREE: A favorite bookstore of mine, The New England Mobile Book Fair. Get some Shake Shack and then head over to check out the crazy book collection there. Or better yet, go buy some books, and then read them while you wait in the LONGEST LINE EVER to get a burger and fries (we waited over and hour… BUT, it was worth it).



I will not play at tug o’ war.
I’d rather play at hug o’ war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.

by Shel Silverstein

FIVE: Speaking of internet friendships, this is Natalie. We met through the Boston Blogging network and I feel so lucky to have found her (almost 2 years ago!). She’s sweet and thoughtful, and as soon as I saw Nat the Fat Rat’s #mightylove project, she popped into my mind as someone who I truly appreciate and admire.

SIX: In a little over one week I will be flying to Denver to visit Beth (a best friend from high school). My friend Bailey and I are spending 4 days with her in Colorado and I am so excited I could squeal. I imagine she’ll have a plan for things to see and do, but if you’ve ever been to Denver and have any recs, we’ll take ’em!

SEVEN: I found High Rise Bread Company while riding my bike one weekend and I’m ever so glad I did. It’s bakery food is delicious and they make the bread right there in front of you, which is local business at it’s best.

EIGHT: I also found a great antique shop while biking around Cambridge that very same afternoon, and I’m going to take my mom there when she comes to visit in May. Although definitely on the expensive side, it’s a fun place to look around and reminds me a little of this place we used to visit on rides to my Grandmother’s house years and years ago. Give me something that makes me feel nostalgic and I’m all over it, no question.

NINE: The Cambridge Public Library is the best (and fairly close to where I live, too). Have you been? I love love love it– especially the children’s floor. Books for DAYS and there’s a bright, fresh, modern feel to the place. Definitely worth a visit if you have work to get done, or even if you just want a quiet, happy place to read.

TEN: Thank you all so much for your kind comments yesterday. My friend Alex was a runner in the marathon and her heartfelt post was an inspiration for writing out my own thoughts about what happened here in Boston. Other favorite posts are here and here and here and here. There has been so much beautiful, honest writing all around the internet these past few days— so much kindness and hope and bravery and strength. We’ve all been touched in some way or another by this tragedy, and have all felt a great amount of sadness and defeat. There’s worry, and helplessness, and confusion, and fear, but there’s also one thing that is very clear: LOVE. Love comforts. Love heals. Love is shining through the darkness. And I truly believe that in the end, love always wins.

snapshots // currently…

Just a few things about life lately:

T H I N K I N G  A B O U T : my seventh snow day today. SEVENTH! The part of me that grew up in Syracuse, NY thinks Boston is being a big ginormous wimp. The part of me that loves summer vacation is getting stressed and disappointed. The part of me that enjoys sleeping in thinks these days off are not so bad. Mostly, I’m just going with it. Telling myself that time off in the summer is a luxury that not everyone gets. And that school in June is hardly school at all at that point. More like one fun, sunshine-y party with a bunch of seven year olds that love you to the moon. I can handle that for sure. I always get weary of letting the littles go at the end anyways. They make their way into my heart and I always feel like I want to keep them.

R E A D I N G : The Count of Monte Cristo. It’s only my 3rd book this year, so I’m slacking for sure. My goal is 25, which means I’ve got to get moving on the reading front, but this book is crazy long and was a little hard to get into. It’s picking up, so I’m confident I’ll finish it– and I’m motivated to keep going with all the great recommendations I got from friends + bloggers. Have you ever read it? What did you think?

L I S T E N I N G  T O : A lot of The Shins radio on Pandora. Also, Ingrid Michaelson radio never lets me down. Are you a Pandora listener? It’s my favorite because it introduces me to so much new music that I would never have found on my own. I’m hoping to make a spring playlist soon to share on the blog. Something upbeat + happy to put a little skip in your step.

W A T C H I N G : Girls. I just love it with all my heart.

W O R K I N G  O N : Knitting. I was able to get some good practice at casting on and learned how to knit and purl with the help of my cousin last weekend. Haley is a serious knitter and she came to Boston {with her little baby Hope!} for the North Shore Yarn Crawl last Saturday. I tagged along and picked out some yarn for when I get really good and am ready for my first project. But for now, I’m just practicing little squares. It’s getting easier so that counts for something!

D O I N G : The couch-to-5k running program. I started it last week when the weather was nice {using this app} and am really confident that I can for real make this happen this time around. I am not a runner, but I want to be. And I hope to become a healthier version of myself in the process. So, here’s to trying. And to feeling pretty motivated about being successful, too.

L O O K I N G  F O R W A R D  T O : Easter at home. I just can’t wait to be with my family in the little town I grew up in. I’m also excited for the chocolate and the cupcakes. Always a good time. Always delicious.

M A K I N G  M E  H A P P Y : The fact that the end of ski season is in sight! Zan has been gone most weekends being the ski bunny that he is. We’ve been pretty good at making more time for each other during the week {going out to dinner or spending time in the kitchen together}, but I’m excited to spend spring and summer weekends with him again very very soon.


P.S. I have a really sweet giveaway in the works for tomorrow. It involves instagram {YOU LOVE IT} and will be my first official giveaway ever, so be sure to come back and check it out! I think you’ll be excited about it too!


OH! and I got the idea for this post from my sweet friend Mary.

do it yourself: fun with fonts

Anna’s Handwriting ONE





As many of you know, I’m a big supporter of adding typography to posts/photos, as evidenced here and here {and here and here and here}. I could go on, but you get the idea. For me, it’s a fun way to play around with graphic design + adding a touch of text makes it a little more personal and unique. Up until recently, most of the text on my photos have been fonts I have downloaded {for free} from here and there around the internets. Then when I got my Bamboo Tablet, I started to experiment with writing on my pictures in my own handwriting using a stylus pen.

Yesterday I had the best time playing around with a new app I downloaded called iFontMaker, which basically helps you turn your own handwriting into a font. It’s $6.99 for any of you iPad owners {iPad only, unfortunately} and is basically THE MOST FUN ever. Worth the money, in my opinion, for sure.

It’s super easy to use, too– you only need your finger and your iPad and you’re good to go. You can make as many fonts as you want, download them for just yourself, or share them with the world. I made the four above in under a half hour yesterday, and BECAUSE I LOVE YOU (!) I’ve made them available for free download. All you need to do it click on the links above.

SO! Download away!


five things on a sunday in march.



Rachael said she doesn’t usually do these things, and then she did (and I am glad). I’m here to say that I definitely do these things, so let’s get started already. These things are fun and fun is good.


one :: The nickname “Nanner” came about my junior year in college. I would always always always forget things as I was leaving my dorm and my crazy/silly neighbor (now a best friend) kept telling me I reminded her of her “Nan” (her grandmother). It stuck on pretty quick with the rest of my friends and I’ve never looked back since.

two :: Speaking of college, I had a really great group of girlfriends throughout my years at school. Senior year we all lived in a big brick house on the edge of a busy road in town. I will never forget the parties we had in that house. And the singing and dancing into the night. Crazy good, fun times. The best. I’m also still close with my high school girlfriends. They are some of the best people I know and I feel incredibly thankful to call them mine. I get really bummed out from time to time that we can’t see each other more often, but when we do see each other everything’s exactly the same as it always was and I always feel like the luckiest.

three :: Speaking of high school, my dad owned an old Cabriolet that looked just like this one during the year I was learning to drive. It was kind of old and run-down, but I really loved it. I still remember the way it smelled and the feeling of driving to the lake in the summer sun with top down and the music blaring. I get serious nostalgia when I think of that car and would give anything to go back in time to that summer, if only for a moment. SIGH.

four :: What else. My biggest pet peeve is when people drive too close behind me. I am not a slow driver, and so when this happens I often feel like the person behind me is just an impatient speed demon that obviously never learned driving etiquette. I instantly go on super defense mode and drive unreasonably and annoyingly slow just to piss the person tailgaiting off. I also get really mad and usually start shouting profanity into the rearview mirror as if the driver can hear me (to which the other person is more than likely shouting and cursing back at me). Not my finest moments, but I’m okay with it. And a disclaimer if you should ever find yourself in a car behind me: STAY BACK. Just stay back.

five :: I am a pretty serious perfectionist. Sometimes this gets in the way of life, but most of the time it’s just ingrained into who I am and I kind of love it. If I am doing something I am interested and passionate about (which I’d say is the case for 90% of the aspects of my life) then I will go above and beyond what would probably be perfectly acceptable and appreciated. This goes for blogging and instagramming and my etsy shop, and definitely teaching, and also party throwing. This does not effect keeping up with the laundry and emptying the dishwasher (unless I am having people over).

On the other hand, I am incredibly laid back and easy going (aside from the tailgaiting shenanigans, mind you). I take things as they come, try to see the bright side when things don’t work out, and generally live by the principals of “don’t sweat the small stuff” and “life is what you make it”, but also very much “everything happens for a reason.” I’m down with feeling all the feelings (goodness knows I love a good cry), but mostly I try to appreciate and enjoy life, because I see it as a gift and I’m not about to waste it.


And that’s that. It’s kind of hard to think of 5 random {hopefully new-to-you} things. But also fun, too.

The best is reading other people’s so here is where I will tag some of you:

Jenna + Eliza + Colleen + Melanie + Casey + Melissa


{P.S. My necklace is from Anthropologie and I am in LOVE.}

Happy Sunday, all!