family weekend!

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After the 4th of July in Boston, Zan and I headed down to Greenwich to visit my family. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but my Grandmother lives down in Connecticut and it’s the place where my mom grew up, so I’ve spent countless summers there and almost every vacation in between. The very best time to visit in the summertime because there is so much to do by the water. We spent both days at the beach… Saturday at Tod’s Point and Sunday we took the ferry to Island Beach {a classic day trip!}, both which overlook the Long Island Sound.

On Saturday we also had a second July 4th picnic complete with deviled eggs.


I told my mom upon my arrival that I felt I’d been cheated of an idyllic 4th of July experience in Boston because I didn’t eat any deviled eggs. Forget the roof deck and the fireworks, deviled eggs are where it’s AT come Independence Day. No question about it. Saturday night we watched a second round of Fireworks back at the beach at Tod’s Point. They take their fireworks VERY seriously, complete with a DJ and a dance floor. Summer is in full swing and I’m glad to have spent the weekend here experiencing it.

Do you have a place that brings you back to the best days of your childhood? This place is most certainly mine. I’m thankful to have it to return to year after year and I’m thankful for my family who make each trip so special. My heart was happy the whole time this weekend. A summer trip filled with every thing I love. Sun and sand and reading and my Grammy. I loved spending time with my parents and seeing my aunt and cousins and little Hope, too!

Oh, and also those deviled eggs.

A perfectly delicious summer weekend. As it should be.

a book list // my favorite summer reads

Did you have a nice fourth of July? We hung around here and spent the morning out in Lincoln on the Sudbury River {beauty! and refreshing!} and then took the train into the city to watch the fireworks from a friend’s roof deck in Beacon Hill. I might be biased, but Boston’s fireworks are GLORIOUS. THEE best I’ve ever seen. And the Pop’s playing along? Well there’s nothing better than that. Something about those patriotic songs just give me the chills. Good old fashioned America. Love this land.

And now, a book list for you! Because a few friends have been asking about books lately, I thought I’d just make a summer favorites list. These are books I have read and loved and think they’d be perfect for a trip to the beach or a lounge on a hammock swing.

Tried and true, I’d recommend these to anyone. They are all terrific.favorite-summer-reads


Summer Sisters // The Help
The Time Traveler’s Wife // Where’d You Go Bernadette?
Anne of Green Gables // Divergent

VSCO forever.

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Finally! Hooray! Yipeeeeee.


So. I’m kind of obsessed with the photo app VSCO cam. Maybe you knew this, maybe you didn’t. {Now you do.} Do you love VSCO, too? Seems silly to love an app so much, but whatever. It is what it is and my love for it is real. It’s over the top, but VERY REAL.

Recently the really smart people over at VSCO released a brand new app {separate from the original}, which is crazy good. I mean, the technology behind this stuff— honestly, MIND BLOWN. With the new app they introduced a new photography sharing platform, VSCO grid. Not a competition to instagram, just simply a salute to photography, which is an idea I can really get behind. An idea I’d LOVE to get behind. VSCO grid is not a form of social media. It’s not about followers, or likes, or comments. It’s about images, curation, craft. And to this I say, AMEN.

So, you can imagine my excitement when my invitation code came in my inbox yesterday. I immediately opened up my VSCO app and started picking out my favorite images. Since I do heavily use instagram, I think I’m going to reserve my grid for some of my “best” photography. My museum quality work, if you will.

{In other words, this is just another thing for me to get addicted too.}


A work in progess, but you can view my grid HERE.

Download the app for your phone here {you can sign up for VSCO grid inside the app}.

And you can take a look at some of the featured photos here.

Such art! And I’m glad to be a part of it.

the davis flea!

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DAVIS FLEA! I found you!

{Quite by accident, but I found you all the same.}

Today while I was heading to Goodwill to drop off some clothes, I stumbled upon an array of tents filled with vintage treasures of all shapes and sizes. It was like a little mini Brooklyn Flea, tucked right into a hidden parking lot in Davis Square.

GOLD!, I thought to myself as I walked through each tent, I have found gold.

There is furniture and records, jewelry and books and posters, too. And also, today there was a really great band. AND A POPSICLE STAND. Which was {naturally} the coolest of all.

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Davis Flea
52 Holland Street
Davis Square
Somerville, MA

… take a left out of the T station, walk past Au Bon Pain and the Flea will be on your left!

P.S. That’s Abbie’s sister Dewey who runs the absolutely ADORABLE {and delicious} Real Pops popsicle stand! I’ve never even met Abbie in real life {only in blogland!}, but I knew that was her sister through following her on instagram so I creepily went up to her and introduced myself, which was strangely not weird AT ALL. Don’t you just love the internet?


All photos taken with my new iPhone 5!
L O V E  I T!