hello! hello!

iphone case-2

OH! hello.

Dropped off the face of the blogger earth for a little while. But I’m back and it’s no big deal.

If you are here right now reading then I thank you. Thank you for coming back even though I was gone for awhile. And if you were one of those people checking this blog on the reg, then I want to hug you and give you chocolate. I don’t know exactly who you are, I just know you’re coming and that makes me smile.

Anyway. Enough of that.

Today I am getting a new phone and it is VERY EXCITING. I have literally had my old phone for over 2 years which is sad and unnecessary, but I am one to avoid change and so this is how it happened. Over the last few months or so my phone has been dying a very slow death (the circle button hardly works, my apps like to quit on me often and much) and today my instagram will no longer let me see things I want to see and so this is where I draw the line. Obviously, this is a GINORMOUS problem.

And so I am off! Right now! To the store to wait and wait probably for an hour or more but when I exit I will have my new little white iphone 5 in hand. And all will be right in the world again.

See you guys on the flip side!

And a happy Saturday to you all!


Rifle Paper Co. iPhone case c/o Red Envelope. LOVE.

the one thing.


Summer is practically here! Just three and a half more days (!!) and I will be footloose and fancy free.

Good glory.

Last year I made a ginormous bucket list of all the things I wanted to do over the summer. I filled the months of July and August with crazy amazing things and I am more appreciative than ever because of it. This summer I have a list brewing in my head. Things I already have planned and things I very much want to do, but for right now I’m just going to keep the written list simple:

1. Live well.

One thing only, the most important.

Oh, the possibilities. I want to do all the happy things. I want to be here and I want to be there. And best of all, I want to love it. Every day, every minute.

Happy almost summer, friends!


{font by Megan Gilger for Over}

snapshots // spring to summer

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I have been driving to work lately in a strawberry wine daze. Sweet summer, is that you again? I’ve been thinking to myself, Welcome back, lover. Oh, welcome back to me. I don’t think it comes as any surprise that summer is my favorite. It’s not so much about the vacation, but more about the weather. I like sitting on my couch popping back frozen York’s in my bathing suit top with the fan on high. It suits me. Summer is just better. And that is that.

Spring, though. Was it ever good. We loved on Boston, soaked up the blooms, and ate the donuts, and the burgers, and the pies. We spent a day in Newburyport and I celebrated my friend EE’s bridal shower the right way: with hugs and shrimp and cupcakes.

Other than that I am just twiddling my thumbs and counting the days. {REAL TALK: running around like a crazy person and getting UBER EMO about my first graders leaving me. They’re honestly THE BEST.}

BUT SUMMER, I just love you.


I am overwhelmed with feelings, let’s just keep it at that.


INSTA-details {because let’s try something new!}:

Places to eat:

Bloc 11 Cafe
Union Square Donuts
Otto Pizza
Five Guys

Things to purchase:

Baggu Tote in Navy Stripe
Hello Sweatshirt
Saltwater Sandals
2013 Paper Source Calendar | and 2014!

Words to read:

Frog and Toad {will make you laugh}
Charlotte’s Web {will make you cry}
Divergent + Insurgent {WOW.}

the farmhouse in June!


Oh my goodness. Did you wonder what happened to me? Where I’ve been? What I’ve been doing?

Likely not, but I’m going to tell you anyway.

I’ve been straight up living, people. This life! It’s BUSY.

More specifically, finishing up the school year (craziness!), riding my bike (glory!), reading all the books (knowledge!), taking afternoon naps on my couch (HEAVEN). You know, the good stuff.


We went and we loved. Here are some pictures from last weekend’s adventure…
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Have you ever been to the White Mountains? It’s dreamy up there. My favorite part is that you feel like you’re thousands of miles away from it all. Zan’s whole family went up this time around, and while there’s a whole lot of down time just sitting around and being together, you also have a range of activities to choose from to make your weekend what you want it to be. There’s hiking and swimming and fishing and croquet. Bananagrams and s’mores making and porch sitting, too. You can do everything you want to do and skip over anything that you don’t feel like doing. Those are the only rules.

A choose your own adventure of sorts. That’s the beauty of it all.


Oh! And if you’re interested
my last trip to the farmhouse