A few weeks ago this sweet lady posted this photo and my instagram literally BLEW UP with new followers. I was BEYOND excited. Giddy! OVERJOYED! THANK YOU, TANIA! You rocked my world that day (and every day).

Anyways, I know I’ve said it before, but I’m completely obsessed (borderline addicted) to instagram. Since I know I’m not alone in this (I’m looking at YOU), I thought I’d pay it forward and share some of my favorites here. For me, the best part of instagram is getting a glimpse into the lives and days of others. I follow a few close real-life friends, a lot of bloggers, and a handful of skilled photographers, too. I love seeing the beauty in the everyday, but most of all I love way instagram makes good photography so accessible. I love this little instagram community— how you can instantly be transported to the hustle and bustle of New York City, the streets of Paris and Rome, or the beaches on the west coast. It’s a beautiful world out there and these people capture it perfectly…


My sister! I honestly LOVE her instas. And not just because she’s my family!

Loves Boston, New York City, puppies, and the ocean.


Gorgeous views of Italy all day every day. She lives in Rome. Mega SIGH.


I adore this woman’s shots of her day to day life. Wonderfully soft and full of simple magic.


Love this girl. And her precious Henny. Lives in New York City. Quirky. Adorable. Real.


Megan is one of my favorite bloggers, too. She is one of my biggest role models in photography and design. LOVE HER.


Owner and designer of (MY FAVE) Rifle Paper Co. She has a serious eye for pretty. Full of beauty and character.


I just love this family. Wholesome goodness from Texas (soon to be Nashville!). And the most adorable littles.


AMAZING photographer. Lives by the ocean in California. A beach lovers paradise.


{If you click on the name links, you’ll be transported to the IG pages, where you can easily follow if you’re logged into instagram.}


Now tell me, who are your favorites?


Good LORD it is freezing here!

And from the looks of my twitter feed it seems like it’s that way everywhere. STAY WARM, FRIENDS! STAY COZY!

When it’s super cold like this our school has “indoor recess”. Basically this means I never get my room to myself, not for even one second, and everyone (ME ESPECIALLY) is going stir crazy. I mean goodness knows I love my littles, but snow pants and me do not get along. Every day my class is littered with more snow pants, hats, gloves, and boots than I can count. How many stuck coat zippers does it take to make this teacher crazy? Not that many apparently.

Get me to spring!!!! We’re all screaming inside. (And even though you may not have to deal with the snow pants, you KNOW you’re with me on this.)

Winter isn’t all that bad though, I guess.

I mean… let’s see:

there are snow days

and hot chocolate dates

and the weird satisfaction of sitting in your own home wearing a hat and gloves (happening NOW)

and cozying up with books under blankets

and dreamy thoughts of spring


Let’s sit on that for awhile with a cup of hot tea, shall we? Yes, let’s.


These photos were taken on my snow day last Wednesday. My lense kept fogging up because of the cold and the wet, but I think it looks kind of cool in some of the shots. I decided I could either sit around all day (what I do too much for my own liking in the winter), or get out and make something of it. I tried to get to the snow in time, but it had pretty much all melted by the time I got around to taking these pictures. I didn’t mind really, as a walk through Beacon Hill always puts me in a good mood. Plus, fresh out-of-the-oven blueberry muffins with a friend doesn’t hurt either.

Sending you all lots of warm thoughts over the next few days! Wear those hats outside! (AND IN!)

goal two: learn more about photography

I want to learn more about photography.


I have been saying this for YEARS.


I feel like some of you might be shaking your head at me right now. I am shaking my head at me right now.

I mean, I know about photography.

Sort of.

Kind of.

I seem to know about photography. But basically, I’m fooling you.


Basically, I know what kind of camera I have and that it has a LOT of buttons.

I know how to use some of the buttons, but there is still, in my mind, SO MUCH to learn.

I mean, okay okay, I’ll give myself a little more credit than just knowing the camera model and some of the buttons… I’ll admit that I know MORE about photography than I used to. I’ve come a long way since my point and shoot and since the beginnings of this blog. I’ll give myself a pat on the back for that.

I know how to take a pretty decent pictures (at least I think I do), because I have a pretty good eye for taking good shots (again, or so I think).

But still.

I’m just not 100% satisfied. Or even 75%.

I’m satisfied with my images, but I’m not satisfied with my knowledge.

Does that make sense?

Basically, I want to know more, I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING.

Mostly, I think it just takes practice.

But also, a class or two couldn’t hurt.

So, my 2013 goals for photography are:

Take two DSLR photo classes (an intro, and then an intermediate)

Take a lightroom course

Take a photoshop elements course



Up until now I’ve been cheap and haven’t splurged on anything to improve my photography aside from buying my fancy cam. But I think some specific instruction is the next step I have to take to reach my goals– to feel more comfortable and more confident. The classes above are just a guide and not set in stone. If you have any ideas/recommendations for me, please let me know– I’d love to hear them!


For the most part, I will be displaying my practice on this here blog.

Tastefully, of course, but I think it’s safe to preface this goal/challenge with this:

I hope you guys like pictures.


{Read more about my 2013 goals here}



I’ve been meaning to post these pics for about a month now. But you know, the holidays happened and then the New Year, and then I became lost in the new computer gear (literally LOST in translation– new technology can be so confusing!), and now finally (finally!) I feel like I am starting to get the hang of 2013 (and the new technology) and so here I am sharing these pics from December.


Sometimes life can be so exhausting.


Have you ever been to Portsmouth, New Hampshire? I had never been before this little day trip my sister and I took up there right before Christmas. It’s about an hour drive from Boston, which is SO CLOSE, and such an adorable little seacoast town. There are so many different shops and restaurants and we had fun popping into them all.

Our favorites:

Portsmouth Brewery (for beer).

Michelle’s on Market Square (for food).

Breaking New Grounds (for coffee/hot chocolate).

Gus and Ruby (for lovely letterpress and handmade pretties).

And besides the food and shopping, the photo ops were SPOT ON. Love that in a town.


Have you ever been to Portsmouth? Favorite shops? Favorite restaurants? I want to take Zan back there one of these weekends. I think he’d really like it and it’s the perfect distance for a day trip from the Bean.

Let me know what you love!