holiday snapshots!


Is it already January 8th? Seriously?

I’m still in holiday mode over here, so don’t mind me. The Christmas tree’s up, the music’s still playing, and the cookies are flowing like water.


I just thought I’d take a minute to share some of my instagram snaps from the holiday season. You know, like I do. This holiday was a good one, filled with traveling and family and presents and hot chocolate and parties. When I think about it, all I can really remember aside from the photographs is that I was BEYOND BUSY, and although tiring, it was also extremely amazing. For Christmas I got to head home to Syracuse to spend time with my parents (and bask in the snow!) AND I visited my Grammy + Co. in Connecticut, and even took a little jaunt to the City.

{We saw the Rockettes. Craaazy good. Have you ever seen the Rockettes? More specifically, have you ever seen the Rockettes Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular? WHAT. A. DREAM. I was practically in tears I was so happy. Oh, New York City. You get me. You get me every time.}

Then, I took a lovely train ride back to Boston to ring in the New Year with my one and only.

It was pretty special.


And now, behold! My wonderful holiday season, for the memory books…

I’m excited to move forward, but I also want to go back, you know?

Sigh. Pretty much my feeling after every good thing ever.

2013: the year I become a resolution maker.

I am not a resolution maker.

I honestly don’t know if I can say that I’ve ever truly made a New Year’s resolution. Ever. Not because I don’t believe in them, or because I have a fear of commitment. I just by chance, never have.

But a few of my friends have inspired me lately with their wishes for 2013 {see here and here, and also, an oldie but a goodie, here}. And so, I think this is the year. The year I make some resolutions just because. Because when I think about it, these are things that are important to me, or at least, if anything, because these are things I want to try.

My heart is in it for these goals, I can feel it.

{And your heart is always a good place to start.}


2013, let’s do this:

1. Be a better listener

2. Learn more about photography

3. Open an Etsy shop

4. Handwritten letters + stay in better touch with friends

5. Read 25 books

6. Learn to knit

7. Practice more yoga

8. Cook more dinners

9. Travel to 5 different places

10. Take less, GIVE MORE

Over the next month or so I plan to write more specifically about these goals; why I chose them, how I’m going to try and achieve them. But for now, this is the list.

This is it, 2013. Let’s have some fun.


{photograph by me, stationary by rifle paper co.}

a look back on 2012 {in words and photos}…


This post took me the better part of two days. CRAZY. In a way I feel like I must be out of my mind to spend so much time on one post that will get lost in the shuffle sooner rather than later, except I know I’m not crazy at all because I LOVED THIS YEAR and I love this post and it was completely worth it to take the time and look back on it all and reflect and be thankful.

Now I have lots of thoughts about 2012 but, of course, I’m spent and I have no energy to write it.

… except for this:

2012, I have loved you.

You were fun and you were eye-opening and you were full of light and love.



And also…


Thank you, thank you! for reading and for following along on all of my adventures.

I am proud and humbled by what this little blog has become over the course of this year. This space makes me smile (BIG) and I’ve loved documenting and sharing everything here and with all of you.

I wish you a full and beautiful 2013. May you be thankful and healthy and most of all, may you be HAPPY.



Cheers, friends.


happy christmas to you…

Merry Christmas, friends!

I hope you’re all enjoying your time off as much as I am. Meaning, I hope you haven’t moved from the couch much or taken off your pajamas before noon in the last few days. I’m personally a HUGE fan of this year’s Christmas day set-up. Having the holiday on a Tuesday means a whole weekend before hand to enjoy and celebrate. This year, I’m spending Christmas in Syracuse, eating a wide array of cookies that my mother baked up and watching as many Christmas movies as I can get my eyes on. Oh, and there’s LOADS of snow here, too.

In a word: Perfection.

I’ll be spotty on the blog for the next week or so, but before we all go off on our merry way, I wanted to leave you with this sweet Christmas mix I made. You could listen to it while you’re last minute wrapping your presents tomorrow OR while you’re opening your presents Christmas morning. BLISS. Lots of favorites on here, so pour yourself a cup of hot cocoa and ENJOY!

happy christmas to you. from dearfriend on 8tracks Radio.


(The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.)

Much love to you all. XO.