1st vlog evaa:

Here it is. My very first video blog.

I’ve been debating it for awhile. And finally decided to just go for it.

The beginning is MAJORLY awkward, but it gets better (I think).

Hope you like it!

Show notes:

Here’s my top favorites all written out, with extra commentary for good measure.

Top 5 Actresses

Claire Daines– besides everything I said, I just remembered one of my ultimate movies with her. Little Women! DREAM! How good was she in that movie?! My heart aches for her every time I watch and once again the tears are flowing like water. Claire Daines is the BEST.

Hillary Swank– P.S I Love You, Million Dollar Baby, The Next Karate Kid! Awesome actress. And I’m so excited for New Years Eve to come out. SO excited.

Julia Roberts– she’s just so darn good at making me love her. Pretty Woman and My Best Friend’s Wedding are among my most favorite. But I’ll be hard pressed to find a movie I don’t like that she’s been in.

Rachel McAdams– yeah, all I have to say is The Notebook and my head and heart go all dizzy on me.

Dakota Fanning– I Am Sam… broke my heart and I have never been the same. Cutest little thing ever and now she is so beautiful. I look forward to seeing in her in more films in the future cause dang, that girl can act.

Top 6 Actors

Matt Damon– The Departed?! TOO good for words.

Tom Hanks– this guy is just the best. Sleepless in Seatle, You’ve Got Mail, Forest Gump, the list goes on and on…

Denzel Washington– it WAS Man on Fire that I was remembering. I went and looked it up. Now THAT was a darn good movie. SO good!

Leonardo DiCaprio– #1. Foreva and EVA.

Eric Dane– Steamy hot McSteamy. MMMmmm!

Robert Pattinson– yeah, so he just really did it for me in Water for Elephants. He did and I’m good with that.

Top 2 (3) TV peeps

Ellen Degeneres– Fave. Hil-ar-ious. It’s on my bucket list to visit her show one day. And dance down front in front of everyone and get shown on one of the outtakes clips. How awesome would that be? So awesome.

Ann Curry– my little j.crew-loving newscaster friend. Love this lady.

Brian Williams– Heyyyooo. This one goes out to you, LJ.

Top 6 TV Shows

Grey’s Anatomy– Addicted. Best show ever. That is all.

Party of Five– the memories! LOVE!

LOST– a couple of years later, and I still haven’t figured it out. That show was good, though. Real good.

Felicity– you can see my post about my love for this show here.

24– Jack Bauer. Need I say more?

Dawson’s Creek– Pacey + Joey = True Love.

Top 5 Musicians

Dave Matthews– yes, it’s true about all those concerts. Used to be quite the fanatic. But he’s just SO good, right?

Joshua Radin– this one gets my heart pit-pattering. Those words. That voice.

Ingrid Michaelson– she’s just cool. And she’s got the words to touch my heart, too.

James Taylor– just comforting. Like an old friend.

Crystal Gayle– here’s the link to the song I was talking about: Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue. This was my most favorite song EVER when I was 10 years old. For reals.

Top 5 Movies

A Little Princess– hope you all enjoyed that little singing segment I busted out. Girl just couldn’t help herself.

This is the version I am referring to. And Liesel Matthews plays Sara Crew. SO good.

“I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags. Even if they aren’t pretty, or smart, or young. They’re still princesses. All of us.”

My Girl– “Don’t pee on the hydrant!”

It’s a Wonderful Life– “Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.”

Father of the Bride– THAT house. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to live in that house. And Frank Egglehoffer? That guys kills me. “Armani don’t also make “polyaster.” HA!

Harry Potter– love the books, love the movies. Love everything, everything about it all.

(And if I could just add a number 6 here, it would be Little Women. Because that movie is too good not to add. And I’m pinching myself for not adding it originally. The March sisters ROCK.)


Welp, there ya have it. A 16-minute look at little ol’ me.

Happy Monday, all!


(**Want more vlogging goodness? Here’s my dear blog friend Claire’s vlog which I mentioned and watched so many months ago. It makes me miss her! Aaaaand if that’s not enough, one of my newer friends in this internet world, Jodi, did her very first vlog just a few short weeks ago. I love being able to know how bloggers sound in real life. You read their words every day and see into their thoughts, but sometimes it’s just nice to put a voice with those words. Glad to be jumping on the bandwagon!)


  1. OH MY HEAVEN this is AMA-ZING!

    this is why i am friends with you. this is why. you are just so darn great.

    felt like we were just hanging out chatting in your adorable apartment. lets do that in real life very soon.

    a few lingering questions…. My So Called Life? Favorite Books? The Cutting Edge?


    • Ahh! My So Called Life! So clearly one of my favorites!!!!

      Angela Chase! JORDAN CATALANO.

      We’ll add that as #7. Definitely.

      …And The Cutting Edge. WHAT a movie. Phenomenal. “Toe-pick!!”

  2. goodness gracious, where do i begin? how could you leave me hanging with that teaser of a dave matthews story?? need it!

    also, i think my favorite part of this vlog was when you started singing from the little princess. that is seriously one of the best movies ever and that song is just so darn pretty.

    i don’t even know. i just agree with just about everything you said. you are so adorable. i’m so glad you did a vlog.

  3. OMG. You’re the best. This is so great. I love that you keep interrupting yourself…especially the singing. I think I teared up a little? PAPA!

  4. This seriously tickled me to death. Your mannerisms are so sweet but also funny. I think I’d really like you in real life. How lame did I just sound? Watching this totally made me wanna have a Skype date though.

    …and we agreed on most of these. Yes that version of A Little Princess, yes Claire Danes (umm, hello, have you seen Shopgirl yet?), yes I want to be Christina’s best friend and am still bummed that my pregnancy last year made me miss almost the whole season because I kept falling asleep at 6pm…

    I could go on. You’re precious. That is all.

  5. dear anna,
    you sound exactly like i imagined.
    and watching a video of you talking makes you look completely different than just seeing pictures. if that makes sense. :)

  6. This is SOOO cute!!! And you’re right…it’s so awesome to hear voices, see mannerisms, etc.

    A Little Princess is also one of my all-time favorites. I want to live in the scene where they wake up to breakfast and warm fabrics. And I cry at the end every time.

    Hope I get to meet you tomorrow at the BB event!

    • That scene is my ultimate.

      “Look! Just what we ordered!”

      And yes! I’ll be there tomorrow and I’m excited to meet YOU!!

  7. YAY!!! I SOOOO love this vlog! :) I was such a chicken too…it took me a long time to actually post one. I hope you do more :)


  1. […] CLAIRE. DAINES. My #1 celebrity girl crush of all time. BEST ACTRESS EVER. Anyone remember my vlog from way long ago? Where I expressed my forever love for her? Still rings true, people. Still rings […]

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