a little lady in white.

Little (or should we say big?) Isabel made her 1st Communion this past weekend.

I’m serious, every time I get to spend time with those kids I wonder why I don’t do it more often.

They are the SWEEEETest.

The church service was at St. Leonards in the North End and I was happy to get to spend a little time over there because I seriously LOVE the North End. I need to get back to that area again soon with my fancy cam. The sights and sounds were just speaking to me the whole time.

Are any of you guys Catholic? I was raised Catholic so this whole day just brought back so many memories of pretty white dresses, spring flowers, and the excitement of tasting that little piece of cardboard-y foam.

I kid, I kid.

(But really, though, I think that’s what it’s made out of.)

We sang hymns and took pictures and all around just celebrated that little cutie in the white gown. I’m so glad they invited me to join, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss it. After the service we all went back to Charlestown for some hor dourves and dinner. There is something about that small part of Boston that just gets my nostalgia rolling. Since I spent the better part of my 1st years in the Bean working over there I just get this happiness every time I visit.

Yet another place on my list of Boston neighborhoods to photograph– the streets around the monument are gorgeous!

Here’s a few pics from the day courtesy of my iPhone…

And that kid with the bow tie??



  1. so cute! I’m also catholic and remember my first communion very well – it was such a big and exciting day! and getting to wear that fancy white dress was fun, too :)

  2. These pictures are so cute and I love how you and the kids look!


    “and the excitement of tasting that little piece of cardboard-y foam.”

    you slay me.

  4. aw, I feel the same way. When I finally spend some time with the kids I used to nanny – I’m like, why don’t I do this more often!?!?

  5. Oh she is just the sweetest! This looks like the most adorable day, and especially fun as it’s my darling North End :) come visit ANYtime!!

  6. I was raised Catholic also! I never seem to run in to other Catholic’s around the blogosphere, but then again, it’s not really something I write about or something that people tend to know about me.

    And that bow tie?? Too cute :)

    xoxo! eliza

  7. Those kids are too cute; I love their freckles! And you’re outfits are always so adorable. Seriously, I’d like to raid your closet, lol.

  8. those kids. oh my! too cute! i totally know that feeling of “i love you like my own” after nannying for the right family. they are lucky to have you!

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