on keeping up appearances (or not).

Do you ever feel like people who have blogs have got it all together?

Because I do.

All. The. Time.

And it’s funny, but ever since I’ve started this blog a good many people have told me they think I’ve got it all together.

Ha! I always think that’s a hoot.

With blogging it’s all about what you choose to share.

I like to call it keeping up appearances.

We all do it in some form or another (or most of us at least). I see it on Facebook and in blogland nearly everyday. And I do it too. We almost always show the good, because we want people to know the good.

Some people choose the lovely.

Others choose the funny.

And some very brave souls even choose the everything: The good, the bad, and the in-between. And do I ever salute you if you are one of those people.

It’s no secret I choose to write about the happy on this space, because that’s what blogging is about for me: A place to reflect on the good stuff. This blog is a scrapbook, a place for the memories, the fun times, the celebrations. Because I want to always remember that awesome trip to NYC, and the time my best friend got married, and that glorious lobster risotto sittin’ pretty atop that adorable plate from anthropologie.

But really, I’m nothing fancy. I get sad, and mad, and stressed, too. So if I ever appear to have it all together, be assured that I don’t.

Last week was one of those crazy busy weeks that you just want to end. You know those? Well, I woke up Friday morning, so completely thankful for the almost weekend, I barely even noticed the state of the place as I walked out the door. But notice it, I did, and it’s too good (or bad?) not to share.

Because life happens, and it’s not perfect, and gosh darnit, we all get a little messy sometimes.

Or maybe, maybe! It’s just me.

There you have it, people.

Just keepin’ it real.


  1. Yes I am one of those who think you have it all together. But then again I know people think I have to all together, well those who know me in real life. I let my blog show all of me, good, bad, and indifferent!

    • I bow to you, oh brave one. Sometimes I get scared to write about the tough stuff. But it’s always so nice to do it in the end. And most of my favorite blogs are the ones that write about everything.

  2. I read a quote the other day that had to do with keeping up with appearances and I certainly see it everyday in blogland as well, people who post the good and happy things and so we assume they have it all together, but everyone is only human! It’s nice to see this side :)

  3. These pictures look like the story of my life haha. I can never seem to keep myself organized at home – but at work, it’s a completely different story. Go figure!

    I completely agree about the bloggers having it all together… which is good in the sense that if I’m having a bad day I can log on and read about things that make other people happy, but bad because it can also make me jealous if I’m in a really rotten mood. I like to try to keep my blog happy but sometimes the unhappy stuff just has to be put out there, and I always feel better after I do!

    • Oh yeah, I hear that. I get jealous a lot. Most often on Facebook for some reason, so I find myself not going on it much! I even deleted the app from my iPhone!

      Mostly blogs make me feel good, and I like reading about other peope’s successes, but I also love reading about other people’s bad days too because then I know I’m not alone.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAA, love this post Nannerpants, thank you for sharing! The ironing board is a classic morning! What is true vs what appears on blogland varies for everyone – but mostly I believe everyone posts only the best/happiest moments. We’d never post the crappy photo of us for all the world to see. Love that you’re keeping it real. One of my favourite BBC comedies is “Keeping Up Appearances” where the lady of house wants to do exactly that, keep up an appearance in front of neighbours and her friends. It’s totally hilarious b/c things never go her way in the end. I love that you pointed it out.

    • Oh, the blasted ironing board! I hate taking that thing out and even worse, I hate putting it away.

      Sometimes I even go out with wrinkled clothes so as to avoid it.

      Such is life!

  5. haha! Oh I love reading your blog! I have always thought you were honest in your writing and what you chose to share…I think you’re maintaining the balance very well…especially with posts like these. It makes me feel better because at the moment our garage has clean and dirty clothes strewn across the floor and random cups and bowls probably sticking to the floor in the living room. It’s life, right?! :)

    • WEll that makes me feel better. Sometimes I’m worried it’s too much sunshine and rainbows over here. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I want to seem real too, you know?

      And I love reading your blog always because you are so very real. And you admit the hard, but also rejoice in the great. It’s good stuff over there, and I like visiting!

  6. Maybe it’s just the writer in me, but you will totally know from reading my blog that things are not always rosy peaches with me. If something’s bothering me, that’s when I take to my blog and get all Brontë on my readers, lol. But it’s nice to see your apartment is just as messy as mine. I, too, still have vacation clothes that need washed, folded, and put away!

    • Yes, you tell it like it is! And I always like that about you.

      At this point the apartment is clean(er), but the clothes are still there in that suitcase! I wonder when they will get back in the drawers?

  7. this is so true. for me i try to write about mostly happy things, but some sad ones, yet the biggest amount of stress in my life is my job. i love what i do, but external factors make it less than wonderful sometimes. i don’t ever want to write about specifics on the internet, so it never comes out, but i definitely have moments of doubt or anxiety that never make it to the blog. i do write about deeper emotional experiences in life (or try to once a week), but i also like my blog to remind me of how much i have and that even my stress and anxiety, which are warranted and i deserve to feel, are not where my focus should be. thanks for this post!

  8. Thank you for keeping sh*t real because your life looks pretty much like mine. Except for more organized and put together. :)

  9. at least all your furniture and decor is colorful and whimsy. It makes the mess a little more magical!

  10. you are officially the greatest. plain and simple! and i think your house is still the cutest, messy or not :)

  11. This is great!

    But really, even your mess is cute + lovely :)

    I’m such a huge fan of your house design!


  12. Thank you SO SO much for sharing this. I love these sorts of posts from bloggers…it’s really important, and it made me feel so much better in the middle of finals. (I have literally been leaving spills on the counter.) BUT, that said, your place still looks adorable and cozy, even at its worst. =)


  1. […] to post some of my recipe and food photography fails. I got inspired by my girl Anna’s post on keeping up appearances (or not) over at Dear Friend. It isn’t always sunshine and rainbows inside my wonderful kitchen and […]

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