goal 9: travel to 5 different places.

Out of the 10 goals I choose for 2013 there are two that were hands down my favorite. Two I joyfully surpassed more than any of the rest. Two that I will scratch onto my list {either typed out or in my head} for years and years and years to come.

Can you guess which two?

Read All The Books — and — Travel!

If I had my way with time and money {mostly money}, I would have loved to go to 5 places that I’d never been, preferably across the country or oversees, BUT, I had to be realistic with my travels and easy on my wallet.

Here are the 12 places {technically 10, since I went to NYC 3 TIMES!} I traveled to in 2013. All by car, with the exception of Denver which was, without a doubt, my favorite adventure of them all…

Travel 1 travel 2 travel 3 travel 4 travel 5ee's weddingconnecticut syracuse travel 6 travel 7 travel 8 travel 9

That’s the list. And was life ever rich and full.

I can’t wait to see where the future brings me.

The West Coast is already sketched in the plans for April– TRAVEL ABOUND 2014! Adventure awaits!


On a similar note,
my travel page is finally ready!
Go ahead and have a look. :)

goal 8: cook more dinners

Another failed goal! Oy.

It’s not that I didn’t cook ANY dinners, it’s just that I didn’t cook any more than I used to. Which, sadly, isn’t a whole lot.

The thing about this goal is that I WANTED to cook more dinners, I really really did, and still! I do! except for I just don’t think my heart is in it past my go-to chicken piccata and occasional turkey tacos. Plus, I’m the laziest in the food department.

Also, Zan is an AMAZING cook. Honestly, the best. And so my lazy heart just really wants a delicious meal from my one and only. Am I wrong for wanting this? Maybe, hopefully not, but still. I really need to try a little harder.

Below are some really delicious meals that I HOPE to cook in 2014.


dinners 1

Creamy Potato Soup // Rosemary Potatoes Recipe

dinner 2

Crispy Quinoa Sweet Potato Tacos // Eggplant, Carmalized Onion and Tomato Pasta

dinners 4

Blackberry Fennel Pizza // Easy Garden Skillet

dinners 6

Hawaiian Marinated Flank Steak // Spinach and Artichoke Grilled Cheese

dinners 7

Blood Orange Roasted Chicken // Kale, Caramelized Red Onion, Bacon and Gorgonzola Pizza



I’m ready with open arms.

goal 7: practice more yoga

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{image source! — DREAMY!}

Oh! Hey guys. Just me here realizing that it’s almost 2014 and so maybe I’d better wrap up my 2013 resolution list. {Forgot about it for a hot minute!}

I’ve got a few more updates to report. Mostly on my failings, but WHATEVER, nobody’s perfect.

This goal— yes, THIS yoga goal {PRACTICE MORE YOGA} I pretty much did NOT complete, except for the past month and a half since I HAVE actually been going a few times a week since the middle of November.


I don’t really know if that counts as a completed goal since I didn’t start it until nearly 2014.

Le sigh.

AND YET {again}. I do love yoga to the moon. Still. Even after all those months I didn’t go, and even after all the days I did. It soothes my soul and my mind and my body and I can’t think of a place I’d rather be after a long day at work, or on the coldest of afternoons {I do heated yoga, and it is GLORIOUS.} So! We’re bringing this goal into 2014, and 2015, and yada yada yada for the rest of my life.

Because a peaceful mind always wins.

And so does Shavasana.

Namaste. AMEN.

a merry little christmas.

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Yesterday we had our own little Christmas in Boston. We woke up, put the record player on, brewed up some coffee and plowed into unwrapping some gifts. It was everything a Christmas before Christmas should be– festive, relaxing, and happy. Zan made out with some new sweaters, monogramed coasters, ski socks, and a fishing gadget to make his own lures.  I came away with a brand new ski helmet and a mini-iPad! What. A. Treat! This morning I’m on the road driving to Connecticut for the week. I’m so excited to spend time with my family. And to experience the magic with little Hope!

Here’s to wishing you the happiest Christmas. {And all the cookies you can eat.}

Much love to you and yours today, tomorrow, and always.

And remember,

“Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.” ♥